Dare to have the smile
you've always wanted.

Our Office
11901 West Parmer Lane
Cedar Park, TX 78613
(512) 259-9400

                  Cedar Park Dentist - Jarrod Campbell, DDS              

Cedar Park Cosmetic Dentistry


Due to COVID 19, CDC recommends masks for those who are not vaccinated. 


Dr. Jarrod Campbell would like to welcome you to our website homepage! We're glad you found us and look forward to working with you and your family towards healthy teeth and gums, for beautiful smiles that last a lifetime.  We are conveniently located in Cedar Park Texas near Brushy Creek Park.

When you visit Campbell Dental, our Cedar Park dental office, your smile is our top priority. Campbell Dental is a dental practice devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile. Dr. Jarrod Campbell and his entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized, gentle care that you deserve.

Part of Campbell Dental's commitment to serving our patients includes providing information that helps them to make more informed decisions about their oral health needs. This website is a resource we hope you’ll find both useful and interesting.

Contact Campbell Dental today at (512) 259-9400.

Campbell Dental genuinely hopes our website is helpful to you in learning more about our dental practice, dental conditions and treatments, dental recommendations, and more.

Please browse through our website and be sure to give us a call if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. We look forward to meeting you and offering you the service you deserve! 


Jarrod Campbell , DDS


Campbell Dental
11901 West Parmer Lane
Suite 100
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Phone: (512) 259-9400







Connect With Us

Exceptional dentistry,
extraordinary services.

Whether your dental needs are a complete exam and cleaning, a full-mouth restoration, or anything in between, we promise to provide you with exceptional care as we enhance the natural beauty of your smile.  Below are just some of the many procedures and services we regularly provide to our patients – with a gentle touch, and stunning results.  Your smile is our first priority, and we’ll give you something to smile about. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.  We look forward...

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth and also provide a fixed solution to having removable partial or complete dentures.  Implants provide excellent support and stability for these dental appliances. Dental implants are artificial roots and teeth (usually titanium) that are surgically placed into the upper or lower jaw bone by a dentist or Periodontist - a specialist of the gums and supporting bone.  The teeth attached to implants are very natural looking and often enhance or restore a patient’s smile! Dental...

For most infants, the sucking of thumbs and pacifiers is a happy, everyday part of life.  Since sucking is a natural, instinctual baby habit, infants derive a sense of comfort, relaxation, and security from using a thumb or pacifier as a sucking aid. According to research from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), the vast majority of children will cease using a pacifier before the age of four years old.  Thumb sucking can be a harder habit to break and tends to persist for longer without intervention.  Children who continue...

A denture is a removable dental appliance and a replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissue.  They are made to closely resemble your natural teeth and may even enhance your smile. There are two types of dentures - complete and partial dentures.  Complete dentures are used when all of the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain.  A Partial denture not only fills in the spaces created by missing teeth, it prevents other teeth from shifting. A complete denture can be either “conventional”...

A dental prophylaxis is a cleaning procedure performed to thoroughly clean the teeth.  Prophylaxis is an important dental treatment for halting the progression of periodontal disease and gingivitis. Periodontal disease and gingivitis occur when bacteria from plaque colonize on the gingival (gum) tissue – either above or below the gum line. These bacteria colonies cause serious inflammation and irritation which in turn produce a chronic inflammatory response in the body.  As a result, the body begins to systematically destroy gum and bone...

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Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.

Dedicated to providing you
with expert dental care.

What should I do if I have bad breath?

Bad breath (halitosis) can be an unpleasant and embarrassing condition.  Many of us may not realize that we have bad breath, but everyone has it from time to time, especially in the morning. There are various causes that attribute to bad breath, but in healthy people, the major source is microbial... ...Read More

Brushing and flossing help control the plaque and bacteria that cause dental disease. Plaque is a film of food debris, bacteria, and saliva that sticks to the teeth and gums.  The bacteria in plaque convert certain food particles into acids that cause tooth decay.  Also, if plaque is not removed,... ...Read More

You should have your teeth checked and cleaned at least twice a year, though your dentist or dental hygienist may recommend more frequent visits. Regular dental exams and cleaning visits are essential in preventing dental problems and maintaining the health of your teeth and gums.  At these visits,... ...Read More

Four out of five people have periodontal disease and don’t know it!  Most people are not aware of it because the disease is usually painless in the early stages.  Unlike tooth decay, which often causes discomfort, it is possible to have periodontal disease without noticeable symptoms.  Having... ...Read More

Brushing our teeth removes food particles, plaque, and bacteria from all tooth surfaces, except in between the teeth.  Unfortunately, our toothbrush can’t reach these areas that are highly susceptible to decay and periodontal (gum) disease. Daily flossing is the best way to clean between the teeth... ...Read More

If you’re feeling somewhat self-conscious about your teeth or simply want to improve your smile, cosmetic dental treatments may be the answer to a more beautiful, confident smile. Cosmetic dentistry has become very popular in the last several years, not only due to advances in cosmetic dental... ...Read More

Most of us have fillings in our mouths that date back many years and some may have even been placed during our childhood. These fillings may now be old, dark, and unattractive, making us feel self-conscious when we smile, laugh, and talk. Old fillings are not only unattractive, they may also be... ...Read More

Since teeth whitening has now become the number one aesthetic concern of many patients, there are many products and methods available to achieve a brighter smile. Professional teeth whitening (or bleaching) is a simple, non-invasive dental treatment used to change the color of natural tooth enamel... ...Read More

Porcelain veneers are very thin shells of tooth-shaped porcelain that are individually crafted to cover the fronts of teeth.  They are very durable and will not stain, making them a very popular solution for those seeking to restore or enhance the beauty of their smile. Veneers may be used to... ...Read More

We’re all at risk for having a tooth knocked out.  More than 5 million teeth are knocked out every year!  If we know how to handle this emergency situation, we might be able to save the tooth.  Teeth that are knocked out can possibly be re-implanted if we act quickly and follow these simple... ...Read More


Jarrod Campbell, DDS
Beautiful Smiles... Exceptional Care

If you are looking for cosmetic dentistry or prosthodontics, Cedar Park Dentist, Jarrod Campbell, DDS offers comprehensive dental care. Please come and visit Cedar Park, TX Dentist, Jarrod Campbell, DDS.

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